Curators, unite!
This week's readings deeply resonated with me, from both a pedagogical and personal perspective. Garcia and O'Donnell-Allen's reflection on curating your own curriculum stuck with me the most. Since I was a child, my intention has always been to end up as a museum curator. Even now that I am in the classroom, my passion still lies in museum work and still intend for curating to be my long-term career. I was so impacted by Garcia and O'Donnell-Allen's observation that teachers are curators as well because they were able to articulate a connection I have seen between the two fields for so long. I became a teacher before a curator for a multitude of reasons, but the primary one being I knew my experience in the classroom would help me exponentially in my museum work. My reasoning, though less articulate, was based in the idea that "the word "curate" originates from the Latin word curare, which means "to care," (page 89). Curators care about...